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- Postdoctoral Research Officer in Middle East Studies
- Israel Studies
- Israel and the theopolitics of the sovereign nation-state
- Israel Studies Seminar: Michaelmas Term 2018 Week 1: The Nation-State bill and the meaning of Israel's Jewish identity
- Israel Studies Seminar: Michaelmas Term 2018 Week 2: The Israeli language: Modern Hebrew or a Semito-European hybrid?
- OSGA and Faculty of Oriental Studies welcome first cohort on new MSc Modern Middle East Studies
- Application Deadlines Released
- Introducing the Oxford School of Global and Area Studies
- Lords of the Desert: Britain's struggle with America to dominate the Middle East
- Israel Studies Seminar: Michaelmas Term 2018 Week 3: Israel - the Russian connection
- OxCIS Event: The Political Economy of Climate Change: Challenges for Muslim Societies and the World
- Anarchist Diplomacy (Carne Ross, Independent Diplomat)
- Israel Studies Seminar: Michaelmas Term 2018 Week 4: The making of alliance: The making and history of US-Israel relationships
- Israel Studies Seminar: Michaelmas Term 2018 Week 5: Zionism: An emotional state CANCELLED
- Israel Studies Seminar: Michaelmas Term 2018 Week 6: A gift from Sinai: Translation and nation-building
- Israel Studies Seminar: Michaelmas Term 2018 Week 7: Gendered citizenship: The case of Women Breaking the Silence
- Israel Studies Seminar: Michaelmas Term 2018 Week 8: Defining antisemitism, demonizing Zionism: The current controversy over the left and the Jews
- Preventing Palestine: A political history from Camp David to Oslo
- Book Launch: Christian Martyrs under Islam
- Book Launch: A Rope from the Sky: The Making and Unmaking of the World's Newest State [South Sudan]
- Book launch: Khalil Maleki -The Human Face of Iranian Socialism
- Women's Rights Research Seminar: Between Love and Lineage: Elopement, Rights and Violence in an Afghan Valley
- Panel Discussion: Iraq after the elections
- Academic and Royal Launch for Oxford’s ASEAN Institute Campaign
- Your Freedom and Mine: Abdullah Öcalan and the Kurdish Question in Turkey
- Statement on Behaviour
- SARC Event: From Orientalisation to Securitisation: Pashtun History and Politics in some Contemporary Perspectives
- Oxford Islamic Society Event: the Plight of the Uyghur Muslims
- New DPhil in Area Studies Launched at Oxford
- St Cross College Graduate Admissions Open Day
- Leverhulme Trust Early-Career Fellowships 2017
- Philip Robins: The Middle East: a beginner's guide
- New logo for Middle East Studies
- Newton International Fellowships 2017
- Dr Janey Messina joins SIAS
- SIAS Careers Day
- Panel Event: Status Seeking in World Politics: India, Russia and China in Comparative Perspective
- Horizon 2020 MSCA-IF-2017 - SIAS Internal Selection process
- Call for papers: Re-thinking Nationalism, Sectarianism, and Ethno-Religious Mobilisation in the Middle East (with a Focus Session on Religion and Sectarianism)
- Recognition of Distinction for two members of SIAS
- SIAS Winter Newsletter
- ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship 2018 (SIAS Deadline: 22nd Feb 2018 – University Deadline 23rd March 2018)
- Newton International Fellowship 2018 (SIAS Deadline: 1st March 2018)
- The Robin & Nadine Wells Scholarship
- Yaacov Yadgar, Stanley Lewis Professor of Israel Studies gave the Inaugural Lecture 'Israel and the Meaning of Jewish Sovereignty'
- Applications sought for Japanese Fellow within Sasakawa Peace Foundation Project at Middle East Studies, SIAS
- British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship 2018/2019 - Expression of Interest Deadline 31/08/2018
- Week 5 Seminar CANCELLED
- Is Russian foreign policy revisionist? Comparing approaches to Syria and Ukraine
- National Alternatives to Zionism: The Case of the Young Hebrews, 1939-1976
- 'Everything is Rising': The Political Theology of Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook
- Jewish Multilingualism in Pre-1948 Palestine
- Israel Studies in the Arab World
- Anti-Intellectualism in Israeli Politics: The Case of Abba Eban
- South Asia Seminar: A Zionist Passage to India?
- MEC Arab Film Season: Film Screening "Zindeeq"
- MEC Arab Film Season: Seminar "Zindeeq"
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Outsourcing and cheap labour in the Galilee
- Symposium: Drugs, Politics and Society in the Global South
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: The religionization of Israeli society
- MEC Arab Film Season: Film Screening "678"
- MEC Arab Film Season: Film Screening "678"
- MEC Arab Film Season: Seminar "678"
- MEC Arab Film Season: Film Screening "Gaheem fel Hend"
- MEC Arab Film Season: Film Screening "Gaheem fel Hend"
- MEC Arab Film Season: Seminar "Gaheem fel Hend"
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Political orthodoxy in formation: from Eastern Europe to Israel
- MEC Arab Film Season: Film Screening "After the Battle"
- MEC Arab Film Season: Film Screening "After the Battle"
- MEC Arab Film Season: Seminar "After the Battle"
- Book launch: Public Culture and Islam in Modern Egypt
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Diaspora Jews and the politics of Israeli cuisine
- Public lecture: Public Lecture: Faith and Superstition from an Islamic Perspective
- MEC Arab Film Season: Film Screening "Theeb"
- MEC Arab Film Season: Film Screening "Theeb"
- MEC Arab Film Season: Seminar "Theeb"
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: US-Israeli relations in the wake of the US elections
- MEC Arab Film Season: Seminar BBC Arabic Film Festival
- MEC Arab Film Season: Seminar BBC Arabic Film Festival
- MEC Arab Film Season: Seminar BBC Arabic Film Festival
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: After the Arab Spring: A Region in Conflict: The Syrian Conflict
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: After the Arab Spring: A Region in Conflict: The Conflict in Libya
- MEC Women's Rights Research Seminar: Kurdish Women's Rights in Turkey and Beyond: Between Nationalism and Radical Democracy
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: "I'm a Jew - not a Zionist": Extreme Ultra-Orthodoxy in Israel
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: After the Arab Spring: A Region in Conflict: The Conflict in Yemen
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Israel: a Liberal-, an Ethnic-, or a Non- Democracy?
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: After the Arab Spring: A Region in Conflict: The Precarious State of Egypt under Sisi
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: An Emerging African Mediascape: Levinski Street, Tel Aviv's Labour Migration Hub
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: After the Arab Spring: A Region in Conflict: Islam in Europe
- MEC Women's Rights Research Seminar: OXFAM and Gender Mainstreaming in Humanitarian Action: Lessons Learnt in the MENA Region (tbc)
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Authority and Oppression in Modern Hebrew Literature
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: After the Arab Spring: A Region in Conflict: Turkey after the July Coup attempt
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Syrian-Israeli Relations in Crisis: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: After the Arab Spring: A Region in Conflict: Tunisia
- Workshop: Ethno-religious ‘Minorities’ and Mobilisation in the Middle East
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: After the Arab Spring: A Region in Conflict: Free Expression in the Gulf
- SIAS Careers Day
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Arab Jews and the Balfour Declaration
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: City of Go(l)d: Jerusalem's Gentrification and the Role of Western Jews
- China and Israel: Strange Bedfellows (1948‒2016)
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Book Launch 'City on a Hilltop - American Jews and the Israeli Settler Movement' (Sara Yael Hirschhorn, Harvard University Press, 2017)
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Declarations of (in)dependence: The dialectics of Zionist diplomacy
- Conference: Israel Studies as a Global Discipline
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Roundtable: 1967, Fifty Years On – Reflections on Past and Future in Israel/Palestine
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: Israel under Siege: The politics of insecurity and the rise of the Israeli neo-revisionist right
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: The Islamic Enlightenment: the modern struggle between faith and reason
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Jews, Israel and Debate: Understanding Israel in the Diaspora
- MEC Women's Rights Research Seminar: Dancing with Words: subverting the master narrative in Saudi women's literature
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Birth of the Ashkenazi-Mizrahi Controversy on the ‘Arab Question’ (1910-12)
- Special Event - Astor Lecture: Is There a Global History of Humanitarianism?
- MEC Seminar: Sharing the land of Canaan - Popular resistance in Palestine towards sharing the land of Canaan
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: Governing Divided Egypt
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: An Iranian Perspective on Israel
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: Martial Arts in the Middle East
- MEC Workshop: Exploring Syria's Borders and Boundaries (Day 1)
- MEC Women's Rights Research Seminar: Gender, space and women's rights in nineteenth century Iran: some reflections and questions
- Keynote Speech: War crimes, crimes against humanity and territorial fragmentation: are peace and reconstruction possible in Syria?
- MEC Workshop: Exploring Syria's Borders and Boundaries (Day 2)
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: Yemen in Crisis: autocracy, neo-liberalism and the disintegration of a state
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: Are Algerian Politics Exhausted?
- MEC Seminar: Israeli government's relationship with the media
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: A Jordanian Perspective on Israel
- MEC Seminar: The Lebanese media: anatomy of a system in perpetual crisis
- Israel Studies Seminar: Hilary Term 2019, Week 1: When Climate Takes Command: Jewish-Zionist Scientific Approaches to Climate in Palestine
- Israel Studies Seminar: Hilary Term 2019, Week 2: Putting Israel on the couch: A Palestinian contestation of the modern sovereignty paradigm
- Film screening: "A Feeling greater than Love", followed by a Q
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: The policy implications of President Rouhani's second term
- Inaugural Lecture by Yaacov Yadgar, Stanley Lewis Professor of Israel Studies: Israel and the Meaning of Jewish Sovereignty
- Current Trends in the Anthropology of Bureaucracy: Exclusive Registers: Gendered Citizenship and Bureaucratic Ambiguity in Jordan
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: The Gulf Crisis
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Israel: India's Looking Glass
- Conference: Rethinking Nationalism, Sectarianism and Ethno-Religious Mobilisation in the Middle East (Day 1)
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: Formations of the Sectarian
- Conference: Rethinking Nationalism, Sectarianism and Ethno-Religious Mobilisation in the Middle East (Day 2)
- Conference: Rethinking Nationalism, Sectarianism and Ethno-Religious Mobilisation in the Middle East (Day 3)
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Israel/Africa: identity, culture and politics
- Book Launch: Sara Hirschhorn: 'City on a Hilltop: American Jews and the Israeli Settler Movement'
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: Understanding Political Islam: In Search of the Islamist Other, 1973-2013
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: The Myth of the Campbell-Bannerman Report: Arab views on Israel after the Suez Crisis
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: Palestine: The Reality
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Between Hebrew and Arabic
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: De Gauille in Beirut: the Chehab Experiment 1958-1964
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Israel: India's Looking GlassAfrican Migration to Israel - Chronicle of a Failure Foretold
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: The Challenges of Healthcare in Gaza
- Russia and the Middle East: Putin's Balancing Act
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: Religious Freedom in Turkey
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Andalusian Legacies: the role of al-Andalus/Sepharad in the political and cultural history of Israel/Palestine
- MEC Friday Seminar Series: Israel and Palestine: Why Britain should recognise the Second State
- Film screening: Disturbing the Peace (Middle East Centre Seminar)
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Jewish precedents and Muslim nationalism
- Lecture: Arab Media in the New Age (Middle East Centre Seminar)
- Refugee Studies Centre Seminar -- Book launch for 'Syria: The Making and Unmaking of a Refuge State'
- Vacancies
- Film screening: Nasser's Republic, The making of Modern Egypt (Middle East Centre Seminar)
- Film screening: 1948 (Middle East Centre Seminar)
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Egyptian Communist Voices of Peace (1947-1958)
- Film Screening: Through Ottoman Eyes (Middle East Centre Seminar)
- The Gulf and the Horn: Changing Geographies of Security Interdependence and Competing Visions of Regional Order
- Women's Rights Research Seminar: The Archaeology of Experience of Domestic Violence against women in Iran (Middle East Centre)
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Habiby’s The Pessoptimist and 1948
- Women's Rights Research Seminar: Tale of two Omani women (Middle East Centre)
- Annual George Antonius Memorial Lecture (Middle East Centre Seminar)
- Modern Israel Studies Seminar: Israeli Literature as Global Literature
- Lecture-The Question of Judeo-Arabic: Nation, Partition, and the Linguistic Imaginary (Registration Required)
- Book Event: On the Arab Jew, Palestine, and Other Displacements (Registration Required)
- Workshop: Memory, Memoirs, and History (Registration Required)
- Talk by Chairman Stan Shih on Si-nnovation Island
- Interview with Dr Ceren Lord, published by SPF
- Test event paging issue
- Israel Studies Seminar: Hilary Term 2019, Week 3: Fire in the Camp: Committed Arabic Literature and Mizrahi Aesthetics in Israel/Palestine.
- Israel Studies Seminar: Hilary Term 2019, Week 4: Abbas Leadership in a State Postponed
- Israel Studies Seminar: Hilary Term 2019, Week 5: Rising Powers and the Arab-Israeli Conflict since 1947
- Israel Studies Seminar: Hilary Term 2019, Week 6: The emerging notion of sovereignty in contemporary Israel
- Israel Studies Seminar: Hilary Term 2019, Week 7: Identity, Conflict perception and Reconciliation in the shadow of the Arab-Israeli conflict
- Israel Studies Seminar: Hilary Term 2019, Week 8: Quality of Life and Well-being in Israel Today
- Dr Ceren Lord publishes new article in Middle East Journal
- Dr Ceren Lord speaks to William Armstrong from Turkey Book Talk about her new book “Religious Politics in Turkey. From the Birth of the Republic to the AKP”
- Dr Ceren Lord publishes new book: "Religious Politics in Turkey. From the Birth of the Republic to the AKP"
- On 10 May Professor Yael Zerubavel gave a lecture about "Desert in the Promised Land: The Politics and Semiotics of Space in Israeli Culture"
- Book talk:The Streets Are Talking to Me. Affective Fragments in Sisi’s Egypt
- Dr Ceren Lord speaks at Northwestern University about her book: “Religious Politics in Turkey. From the Birth of the Republic to the AKP”
- Israel Studies Seminar: A tale of sand and snow: Bar-Lev line and the Hermon ski site as material fantasies
- Israel Studies Seminar: Fear and Insecurity: Competing Narratives of the Iran-Israel Relationship
- Israel Studies Seminar: Nocturnal Inequality: Ethnographies of Social Selection and Waiting in Line for Night Clubs in Tel-Aviv
- Israel Studies Seminar: Love, Zionism and Melancholy in the Prose of Micha Yosef Berdichevsky
- Israel Studies Seminar: Palestinian multilingualism: A perfectly normal adaptation to colonialism, conflict and late capitalism
- Israel Studies Seminar: Competition between MPs and GMs on Policy Outcomes through Legislation – Israel as a Test case
- Call for Papers: Western Intervention in the Wake of the Arab Uprisings: Political Containment, Neoliberalism, and Imperial Legacies
- OSGA Global Forum: 50 Years of Dependency and Development: Challenges and Risks to Democracy Then and Now
- Book Launch: Religious Politics in Turkey (Dr Ceren Lord)
- *DEADLINE EXTENDED* Call for Papers: Western Intervention in the Wake of the Arab Uprisings: Political Containment, Neoliberalism, and Imperial Legacies
- Change of speaker: Israel Studies Seminar Week 8
- Book Launch: The Making of the Israeli Far-Right
- Recognised Students
- Israel Studies Seminar: Iran and Palestine: Past, Present, Future
- Israel Studies Seminar: Ashkenazi Hegemony in Haredi Israeli Society and Implications for the Future
- Israel Studies Seminar: Ethnic segregation in the Haredi education in Israel: Policies and practices
- Israel Studies Seminar: Palestinian Arab Citizens in Israel, Equality Struggle
- Israel Studies Seminar: The Israeli Diaspora in Berlin: Back to Being Jewish?
- Israel Studies Seminar: The Emotional Scripting of Boycotts: The Nazi-Zionist Agreement in Jewish Public Culture During the 1930s
- CANCELLED Israel Studies Seminar: On Zionism and Melancholia: An alternative history
- CANCELLED Israel Studies Seminar: Emptied Lands: A Legal Geography of Bedouin Rights in the Negev
- Border Lives: An Ethnography of a Lebanese Town in Changing Times
- The Future of Area Studies Roundtable
- Professor Yaacov Yadgar: new book published this month
- Jewish Book Week and OJC Event: Theodor Herzl
- Week 7 Israel Studies seminar CANCELLED
- ISS Special Event: "(First) impressions of the (third) election in Israel"
- Change to Israel Studies seminar Hilary Term Week 8
- Theodor Herzl’s ‘Heart of Darkness’ - Africa and Africans in Early Zionist Thought
- Dr Ceren Lord features on POMEPS podcast
- Professor Lena Salaymeh awarded prestigious British Academy Global Professorship to join Oxford School of Global and Area Studies
- Israel Studies Seminar: MT20 Week 1: Sandy Kedar (Haifa): Emptied Lands: A Legal Geography of Bedouin Rights in the Negev
- Israel Studies Seminar: MT20 Week 3: Hadeel Abu Hussein (Oxford): Palestinian Arab Citizens in Israel, Equality Struggle
- Israel Studies Seminar: MT20 Week 5: Nahshon Perez (Bar-Ilan) and Yuval Jobani (Tel Aviv): Governing the Sacred: Political Toleration in Five Contested Sacred Sites
- Israel Studies Seminar: MT20 Week 7: Peter Bergamin (Oxford): Guns and Moses: Jewish anti-British Resistance during the Mandate for Palestine
- Lena Salaymeh publishes blog-post on “The Eurocentrism of Secularism”
- Reconsidering Early Jewish Nationalist Ideologies Seminar: MT20 Week 2: Yair Wallach (SOAS): Language of Revival or Conquest? Hebrew in the Streets of early 20th century Jerusalem
- Reconsidering Early Jewish Nationalist Ideologies Seminar: MT20 Week 4: Danielle Drori (Oxford): Yosef Klausner in Translation: Zionism and Christianity
- Reconsidering Early Jewish Nationalist Ideologies Seminar: MT20 Week 6: Yuval Evri (KCL): The Return to Al-Andalus: Disputes Over Sephardic Culture and Identity Between Arabic and Hebrew
- Reconsidering Early Jewish Nationalist Ideologies Seminar: MT20 Week 8: Rose Stair (Oxford): Age and gender in German-language cultural Zionism
- MEC Webinar: MT20: Week 1: The Dictatorship Syndrome
- MEC Webinar: MT20: Week 2: Authoritarian or Revolutionary? Reflections on the Nature of the State in the Islamic Republic of Iran
- MEC Webinar: MT20: Week 3: Illiberal liberals and the future of dictatorship in Egypt
- Christian thought in motion: the rise of the Christian Arabic literature and its dissemination in Georgian world
- MEC Webinar: MT20: Week 4: The New Populist Nationalism in Saudi Arabia
- MEC Webinar: MT20: Week 5: The Trajectory of the Tunisian Revolution: Between Continuities and Disjunctures
- Through Wind and Ice: Communicating the Climate Crisis
- Peripatetic Lives
- MEC Webinar: MT20: Week 6: Apocalymbo: Trickster Politics in the Age of the Pandemic
- OCHJS Event: David Patterson Lecture (MT20 week 7): Yaacov Yadgar in Conversation with Brian Klug
- MEC Webinar: MT20: Week 7: Why Syria Still Matters and Why Assad is Still There
- Yaacov Yadgar in conversation with Brian Klug: recording now available
- MEC Webinar: MT20: Week 8: The logic of chaos: The pattern of dictatorships
- Israel Studies Seminar: HT21 Wk 1: Tal Shamur (Cambridge): The emergence of melancholic citizenship at the urban periphery: The case of south Tel Aviv protest against global migration
- Israel Studies Seminar: HT21 Wk 3: Anna Prashizky (Western Galilee College): Connecting Ethnicity and Space: The New Russian-Mizrahi-Mediterranean Pop Culture in Israel’s Periphery
- Israel Studies Seminar: HT21 Wk 5: Jamie Stern-Weiner (OSGA): IHRA: The Politics of a Definition
- Israel Studies Seminar: HT21 Wk 7: Yael Berda (Hebrew University): Living Emergency: Israel's Permit Regime in the Occupied West Bank
- Reconsidering Early Jewish Nationalist Ideologies Seminar: HT21 Wk 2: Adam Sutcliffe (KCL): Light Unto the Nations: The Idea of Jewish Purpose and the Emergence of Zionism
- Reconsidering Early Jewish Nationalist Ideologies Seminar: HT21 Wk 4: Daniel Herskowitz: Between Exclusion and Intersection: Heidegger’s Philosophy and Jewish Volkism
- Reconsidering Early Jewish Nationalist Ideologies Seminar: HT21 Wk 6: Maja Gildin Zuckerman: The Pragmatism of Proto-Zionism: Tracing Jewish Nation-building through a Cultural Sociological Framework
- Reconsidering Early Jewish Nationalist Ideologies Seminar: HT21 Wk 8: Elana Shapira: Berta Zuckerkandl and Her Circle: Austrian Nationalism and Zionism in Viennese Modernism
- Oxford Minds Lecture - Power: how does it work in the global economy?
- MEC Webinar: HT21: Week 1: Algeria and Sudan: A Late Spring or an Early Summer?
- MEC Webinar: HT21: Week 2: Iraq and Lebanon – Revolt Against Sectarianism?
- New publications by Lena Salaymeh
- MEC Women's Rights Research Seminar: Qatari Women and the Labour Market - Towards an Empowering Alternative
- MEC Webinar: HT21: Week 3: The Place of Religion After the Uprisings
- MEC Webinar: HT21: Week 4: Libya: Past, Present and Future
- Western Intervention in the Wake of the Arab Uprisings: Political Containment, Neoliberalism, and Imperial Legacies
- Russia and the Arab Uprisings
- MEC Webinar: HT21: Week 6: Tunisia: Unfinished Revolutions (Held jointly with the British-Tunisian Society)
- MEC Women's Rights Research Seminar: Debating The Law, Creating Gender
- BSG Event: Yemen: What to do next about the world’s worst humanitarian crisis?
- MEC Webinar: HT21: Week 7: Counter-Revolutions Vs. Counter-Marginalization Movements (Re)Visiting the Online Tug-of-War a Decade After the Arab Spring
- Professor Yaacov Yadgar: new article and podcast for ReOrient
- MEC Webinar: HT21: Week 8: Iran and the Arab Uprisings: Opportunity Grasped or Squandered?
- The Folly of Secularism: Dialogues on the theopolitics of the nation-state: Israel in a wider context
- Oxford Climate Society Event: Transitioning to a low carbon economy in the Gulf
- History Society Event: Ann Laura Stoler - Documentalities: For Palestine and Beyond
- Peter Bergamin interview with Yaacov Yadgar
- Vacancy: Associate Professor in the History and Politics of Iran
- Reconsidering Early Jewish Nationalist Ideologies Seminar: TT21 Wk 4: Between Exclusion and Intersection: Heidegger’s Philosophy and Jewish Volkism
- Reconsidering Early Jewish Nationalist Ideologies Seminar: TT21 Wk 2: The Road Not Taken: The Sephardi Vision of Jewish-Arab Co-Existence in Palestine
- Reconsidering Early Jewish Nationalist Ideologies Seminar: TT21 Wk 8: Lederhosen, Dirndl and a Sense of Belonging: Jews and Trachten in pre-1938 Austria
- Israel Studies Seminar: TT21 Wk 7: Rachel Rojanski (Brown): “A Foreign and Grating Language”? Yiddish In Israel – A History
- Israel Studies Seminar: TT21 Wk 5: Paula Kabalo (Ben Gurion): The "Third" Side of the Coin: a Bottom-Up History of Israel's War of Independence
- Israel Studies Seminar: TT21 Wk 3: Michal Shaul (Herzog College): Holocaust Memory and the Rehabilitation of the Ultraorthodox Society in Israel
- Israel Studies Seminar: TT21 Wk 1: “Jews, open your eyes, wait, why hurry?” Public health and the cultural politics of protection in Jerusalem
- Call for papers: Decolonial Comparative Law Workshop
- Russia and the Arab Spring
- MEC Webinar: TT21: Week 1: Hamid Dabashi in conversation about his new book: The Last Muslim Intellectual: The Life and Legacy of Jalal Al-e Ahmad
- OCHJS Event: Brichto Lecture 2021: Ronit Irshai: Jewish and Muslim Feminisms in Israel Nomos, Narrative and Multiculturalism
- Evans-Pritchard Lectures 2021: Voices that Matter: Kurdish Women and the Dilemmas of Representation in Contemporary Turkey: Voicing Affect
- Evans-Pritchard Lectures 2021: Voices that Matter: Kurdish Women and the Dilemmas of Representation in Contemporary Turkey: Voicing the Self
- Evans-Pritchard Lectures 2021: Voices that Matter: Kurdish Women and the Dilemmas of Representation in Contemporary Turkey: Claiming Voice
- Evans-Pritchard Lectures 2021: Voices that Matter: Kurdish Women and the Dilemmas of Representation in Contemporary Turkey: Public Voice
- MEC Webinar: TT21: Week 4: War on Bodies: Moral Immunity and the Psychopolitics of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Iran
- Can we achieve complete regional collaboration in the EastMed?
- MEC Women's Rights Research Seminar: Women's Negotiating Respectability between the Space of the Prison and the Place of Woman, Egypt 1946-1965
- Appointment of Professor Timothy Power as Head of Division
- New publications by Lena Salaymeh
- New article by Professor Yaacov Yadgar
- Israel Studies Seminar: MT21 Wk 1: Shay Hazkani: Dear Palestine: A Social History of the 1948 War
- Israel Studies Seminar: MT21 Wk 2: Atalia Omer: Pathways toward a Jewish Israeli Restorative Ethics
- Israel Studies Seminar: MT21 Wk 3: Kathrin Bachleitner: A road towards atonement? Why only West Germany came to “atone” for the Nazi crimes.
- Israel Studies Seminar: MT21 Wk 4: Eldad Ben Aharon: Supporting Denial: Israel’s Foreign Policy and the Armenian Genocide
- Israel Studies Seminar: MT21 Wk 5: Michael Karayanni: Religion and State among the Palestinian-Arabs in Israel: A Multicultural Entrapment
- Israel Studies Seminar: MT21 Wk 6: Amnon Aran: Israeli foreign policy since the end of the Cold War
- Israel Studies Seminar: MT21 Wk 7: Hagar Kotef: The Colonizing Self (Or: Home and Homelessness in Israel/Palestine)
- Israel Studies Seminar: MT21 Wk 8: Haggai Ram: The Social Life of Hashish in Mandatory Palestine and Israel: A Global History
- Professor Neil Ketchley joins MES/OSGA
- Professor Maryam Alemzadeh to join MES/OSGA next year
- MEC webinar: MT21 Wk 2: The politics of water scarcity in the case of Jordan
- How can stories, histories, art and music help comprehend a planet in crisis?
- Special OSGA Lecture
- MEC Women's Rights Research Seminar: Exclusion and Resistance: The Betrayal of the Afghan Peace Process
- MEC Webinar: MT21: Wk 3: The Blue-Clad Fennec: Authoritarian Environmentalism in Tunisia, and its Afterlives
- Yaacov Yadgar gives lecture at Gresham College
- MEC Webinar: MT21: Week 4: Environment Discounted: Energy and Economic Diversification
- MEC Webinar: MT21: Wk 5: Air Pollution, Toxicity, and Environmental Politics in the History of Iranian Oil Nationalisation
- MEC Webinar: The Tunisian Political Crisis; The End of Democracy?
- MEC Webinar: MT21: Wk 8: What does political ecology tell us about the environmental crises in the Middle East?
- No Israel Studies Seminars in Hilary Term 2022
- MEC Webinar HT22: Week 1: Book launch: Islam and the Arab Revolutions
- MEC Webinar HT22: Week 2: The Fate of Colonial Elites in Post-Colonial Regimes: Evidence from the 1952 Egyptian Revolution
- Faculty of Law Event: Problematising Children’s Rights – Insights from Israel/Palestine
- Oxford Political Thought Seminar: Caliphate
- Oxford Political Thought Seminar: Religion
- MEC Women's Rights Research Seminar: A new form of cohabitation?
- MEC Webinar: A New Cold War in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)?
- MEC Webinar HT22: Week 8: Yemen's Enduring Crisis
- Oxford Political Thought Seminar: Law
- MEC Webinar HT22: Week 7: Panel Discussion: The Future of Syria
- Israel Studies Seminar: TT21 wk 2: Ma'abarot - Not Just the Name of a Kibbutz: Portrayal of the Ma'abarot in the Israeli Culture, 1950-2015
- Israel Studies Seminar: TT21 wk 3: Hollywood and Israel: A History
- Israel Studies Seminar: TT21 wk 4: Is Zionism a “Left-Wing Melancholy”?
- Israel Studies Seminar: TT21 wk 5: The Fear of Judaism in Israeli Culture
- Israel Studies Seminar: TT21 wk 7: Religion, Change and Continuity in History - The Case Study of Modern Jewish History
- New phase of collaboration on the Arab Public Data Initiative
- Women, Protests, Revolutions: Iran Uprising after Five Months
- Palestinian Women on Demonic Grounds? When Gender is Undone by the German Security Discourse
- Women’s Rights Research Seminar
- Exile and the History of Palestine: Safed and the Critique of Zionism
- Professor Yaacov Yadgar and the dangers of asking questions and of not asking questions
- Women and electoral politics in Iran and Turkey: Undemocratic structures and feminist resistance
- Networks versus Institutions: Why Legal Institutions Are Political Weapons, Not Democratic Constraints, in Turkey
- Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
- Israel Studies Seminar series - cancelled
- Shifting Front Lines, Shifting Logics: Disentangling the Changing Strategies of Civilian Targeting in Armed Conflict
- The Gender Effect in Intra-Party Meritocracy
- The Afterlife Goes On: The Consequences of Women’s Participation in the 2011 Egyptian Uprising
- Community-based Organizations in Lebanon
- Feminism in Palestine
- Dr Sawsene Nejjar
- Chloe Kattar
- Middle East Studies: Use of cookies on this website
- Jamshid Jamshidi
- Professor Yaacov Yadgar
- Mrs Charlotte Guillain
- Professor Neil Ketchley
- Professor Maryam Alemzadeh
- Dr Diana Galeeva
- Professor Nayanika Mathur
- Reflections on Tunisian Women’s Continued Fight for Respect, Dignity and Rights
- Anatomy of an organized Urbicide: The Systematic Weaponization of Health in Syria
- Economic Diversification and Climate Change in the Middle East
- Unlocking the historical data of the MENA region
- Local Politics and State-Building in Iran
- After decolonization: reconstructing tradition
- International law as neo-colonialism
- Alban Dafa
- Teal Mingledorff
- Jamie Weiner
- Between Diaspora and the State: The New Antisemitism and Israeli National Security
- Buber and Gandhi on Land and Resistance: Reading the Buber-Gandhi correspondence after October 7
- The image of Herod in modern Israel
- “You cannot really live (or die) here”: ongoing struggles over cemeteries and housing in Tel Aviv-Jaffa, 1957-2020
- To Ensure the Jewish Character of the Town Through the Establishment of a Central Synagogue: Synagogues in Israeli Urban Internal Frontiers as Symbols of Sovereignty
- Abraham and Moses as Entrepreneurs: Educating for the Future with Narratives of the Past
- 'Last child of the Risorgimento'? Zionism and the legacies of 1848
- Trade Networks Bridging Yemen, Israel, and Ethiopia: The Ḥibshūsh Family and Jewish-Muslim Commercial Relations in the 20th Century
- New & Jew, Zionism and the Quest for National Culture
- Colonial Subjects and the Right to Have Rights: Algeria, 1834
- Dr Sari R. Alfi-Nissan
- Dr Ferit Belder
- Professor Yaacov Yadgar's Latest Publication
- Article by Professor Maryam Alemzadeh on IRGC and Terrorism-Related Sanctions published
- Dr David Borabeck
- Women’s Rights Research Seminar continues in Hilary Term 2025
- Dr Antonella Acinapura
- Rethinking Masculinity Through Men's Sexual Experiences in Tehran
- Women’s Religious Leadership in Morocco: A Catalyst for Mudawana Reform
- Tribal Voting in New Democracies: Evidence from 6 Million Tunisian Voter Records
- To Be a Jewish State: Zionism as the New Judaism by Yaacov Yadgar - book launch event
- Dr David Borabeck
- Israeli Far-Right amid the Erosion of the 'Legitimate Circle of Politics'
- Love, Pride, Fear, and Happiness: Zionism as a Case Study for 'National Emotions'
- Steiner in Zion: The Reception of Anthroposophy in Israel
- 'A Man Learns Only from What His Heart Desires': Hebrew Textbooks Reimagined
- Dr Alice Gaya